Nome LIO
About Our Office:
The Nome Legislative Information Office (LIO) is located on the first floor of the State Office Building on Front Street. One of 22 offices statewide, the Nome LIO is your local link to the legislature. Dedicated to serving the legislative interests of Alaskans, our mission is to facilitate communication between the legislature and the public. The LIOs are nonpartisan and serve all Alaska legislators. In addition to legislative information and assistance, we provide forms/information for state and federal agencies. We are a distribution point for PFD forms and applications and can assist you with PFD issues. Contact the Nome LIO for more information or feel free to visit the office.
Contact Information:
PO Box 1630
Nome, AK 99762
855-443-4555/toll free
Josephine Stiles - Information Officer
Office Hours:
M-F 8:00 am - 4:30 pm